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LECTURE 1.0 | NGB | Next Generation Building | Kas Oosterhuis



Programming languages are the most commonly used languages of our times. Through scripting we communicate with our machines. Machines do not read texts nor drawings, they read code. So the next generation architects will have to produce code to work with machines. Designers will need to adopt their design strategies to the programming languages as to stay in business, as to understand the changing world. The next generation designers must think differently, they will think of spatial design as something that must be able to be described in code. The biggest influencers on how the next generation building will look like are the initiators. While traditionally the initiators are the state, city councils and project developers, more and more their role will be taken over by marketing driven product development from the creative industry. The future of building obviously is green, diverse and multimodal. But less obvious yet inevitable deeply digital, lean and robotic. The next generation buildings will be developed according to the new rules of the new economy, meaning more specifically that robotic design to production methods will prevail and open up the building practice for an industrial form of mass customisation. The forerunners are since decades among us, yet hard to see for designers who still base their spatial imagination on the straitjacket of modernism, which is intrinsically linked to the logic and esthetics of mass production. Following the logic of mass customisation every single building component is in principle unique and can take on a unique shape, performance and behavior. There is no need from the new rules of design to have any building component the same shape and/or the same behavior. Designers will breed dynamic spatial formations and gradual material transformations in their minds. The art of designing and building will never be the same.

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